Nuestro mas sincero pesame a toda la familia.
Mi más sincero pésame para la familia y seres queridos.
José, vete cogiendo sitio para los que iremos detrás!
Un abrazo, allá donde estés.
Recordaremos sempre o José como uma pessoa muito e sempre divertida e de bem com a vida.
Nunca há muitas palavras a dizer nestes momentos de grande dor e tristeza,as minhas sinceras condolências á família.
Susana Almeida
We are so sad by hearing of your tragic loss.
Our thoughts are with the family, friends and colleagues in these days.
Jennifer Schwärig, Claudia Vieth and Gabi Dietz
...and also from all colleagues of Customer Service
Hasta Luego... AMIGO.
I am very sad! We lost a great friend and he will be missed a lot. I will always remember him and the great times we had. My thoughs are with his family and friends and colleagues.
Edelgard Marquardt
Rest in Peace Josè
My condolence to his Family and to Magnetron staff.
From the whole of Rycote, we send our most sincere condolences to all of Jose Pascual’s family and friends at this sad time. We have had a long business relationship with all at Magnetron but have always considered Jose Pascual in particular to be a friend as well as a business partner.
Our thoughts and prayers are with you all.
Elaine, Simon, Odette and all the Rycote Team.
Trisitisima noticia. Una de esas personas por la que es imposible no sentir un cariño y simpatía especial, un tío grande.
Se le echará mucho de menos
Abrazo enorme a familia y amigos
Aun conmocionados por la triste noticia os enviamos todo nuestro animo cariño y apoyo tanto a Jesus como a los compañeros de Magnetrón